Friend AirCare, Inc. offers Line-Maintenance, Phase, Event, Annual and Special Inspections including Heavy Maintenance Checks of Airframes, Engines for Piper Cheyenne's, Beech King Air, and Cessna Citation, Cessna CJs, and Cessna Mustangs as well as other manufacturers.
Our fast turn-time of Inspections allows operators to keep aircraft in-service to meet schedules and to reduce operating costs.
Piper Cheyenne
Event Inspections (1 & 2)
Special Inspections
Annual Inspections
PA42 High Time Airframe Inspections
Beech King Air
Phase Inspections (1-4)
Special Inspections
Calendar Inspections
Landing Gear Inspections
Wing Bolt Inspections
NDT Inspections
Cessna Citation, CJs, and Mustang
Phase Inspections (1-4)
Phase 5 Inspections
Call 724-228-6400 or E-Mail for pricing on any of the above